Sunday, February 8, 2015

Valentines for Young Readers

We are busy this week at our house getting ready for Valentines Day celebrations for the kid's school.
I love it! The red and pink fabric and paper, yarn and heart stamps come out and litter the tables all week long while working. 24 is a lot of Valentines to make. It can take a while. My daughter has decided to make bookmarks for the kids in her 3rd and 4th grade class this year.

We ordered these adorable cards from Minted. Not only are their designs fantastic but you can also personalize them with your child's name. 

We came up with a simple design for the bookmarks using red felt, some flowered fabric and some pink yarn. Materials that we just happen to have around which made it even easier. We cut out the shape we wanted using pinking shears. We glued the flower fabric onto the red fabric for the girls and left the red ones as is for the boys. 

She punched holes in the felt at one end and passed the yarn through to make tassels at the end.

She then punch holes in the corner of her Valentine cards and tied them onto one of the pieces of yarn. She is excited to hand these out to her friends on Friday. 

Happy Valentines Day!!!