Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Summer Fruit Garland

A fruit salad is one of favorite snacks for a summertime refreshment, a mixture of fruits cut and mixed together with all those pastel greens, purples, oranges and yellows.  It tastes delicious and the colors are most pleasing. This made me think of making a fruit salad garland for a window display at the Purple Twig studio for summer.  

By making fruit prints then stringing them with some beads we made this festive garland. One of the things I like about this project is that is has a quite a few layers.  First we spent some time printing the fruit in many different colors. The different colors created a new fruit. By using yellow on an orange it had the qualities of a lemon, if printed green, it then reminded us of a lime. 

 You could use so many fruits, peaches,  plums, even bananas or strawberries to give a variance in size on the finished  banner. This is just the fruit we had around at the time this project came to me: apples, oranges and plums. We used tempera paint and found that brushing it on the fruit using a foam brush worked best.

When the prints were dry we cut out the fruits, cutting very closely to the outside line of the fruit to give the shape definition.

After making 2 holes using a hole-punch, we passed a string through the paper fruits sometimes adding beads in between.

They turned out so sunny and warm. I think they are going to make a lovely summer decoration for the studio.