Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Giving Thanks and Making

I love that day or days of holidays where things are quiet and you don't have to go anywhere. During those relaxing days we spent, making art, reading stories of thanks and honoring some of the objects made by a few native American tribes.

To start off we made these hand turkeys. What's a Thanksgiving camp day without a hand turkey

Then we honored the Native Americans of the Pacific Northwest by learning a bit about totem poles and making some ourselves with Sculpey and skewering them.

Look at these incredible totem pole drawings.

On the second day we made these amazing looking arrows from dowel and paper feathers that they made. The dowel is decorated with tape.

Then we spent the afternoon making God's eyes. They loved making these. We have so many skeins of beautiful yarn that have been donated to the Purple Twig. I am always looking for new ways of using them.


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