Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Kids Handmade

A few weekends ago Purple Twig was honored to be asked to participate in Kids Handmade in Los Angeles by offering art workshops for young makers and as it turns out, for the adult makers too.
Sheryl Cancellieri, who is also the creator of Eastside Handmade, has the gift of generously creating a craft fair for talented craftsman, but also bringing a community together. 

We love the challenge of creating an engaging project that is appropriate for a particular event. To celebrate fall and since we had just done some gorgeous leaf prints in our Parent and me classes, we decided to do leaf prints on patterned fabrics to make banners. That way each child (or person) could create a pattern with the leaves or just print away.  We chose to just offer gold and black paint to print with. That way the leafs became graphic images against the patterned fabrics.  A sure fire way to be successful in creating a beautiful banner. 

Jillian, one of my fantastic teachers had a great time getting her hands dirty with all the young makers. To our delight adults and children a like were getting in on the making action. We had entire families with ages 4- 42 each making leaf prints to frame together as a family project. We believe that families all creating together is a great way to show respect for each other and to create confidence in the child. 

It was such an incredibly rewarding day!!!

Happy Crafting!!!

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