Thursday, October 13, 2016

Seed Faces

Halloween! Halloween! HALLOWEEN! 

We love Halloween around here. One of the things we love is all the ways one can decorate a pumpkin, you can carve it, or paint it, add stickers, add tape or ribbon, glue on buttons or paper.
I do so love a face on a pumpkin so this year we decided to add seeds to our pumpkins. It's a simple way of decorating which also celebrates the fall harvests.

Here is what you need-

A pumpkin- we used a small cooking pumpkin.
A hot glue gun.
Some seeds- I used sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds

After you glue all the seeds on you might want to pick all the strings of the hot glue off. I didn't have my glasses on when I took this picture so I didn't see the glue strings until later. It's still cute though. Right?

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