Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Spring is Here

This is a great spring activity for children ages 2 to 15 and maybe even older depending on your teenager. They are basically homemade chia pets. You can put all kinds of seeds in. I used mainly cat grass seeds but you could put flower or herb seeds as well. 

This is what you will need.
1- sock
potting soil
buttons and pins 
a rubber band

Put just a handful of dirt in the bottom of the sock then add the seeds. That way the seeds will grow from the bottom of the sock which will be the top of the little buddies head. Then fill the sock with dirt about half way. The kids are loving getting their hands dirty.

When finished add a rubber band to the bottom or tie into a knot so that the dirt doesn't fall out. Add button to the sock for eyes, nose and mouth using the pins to keep the buttons on. You can either use the pins with the balls on the end or just flat head pins.

Look at this friendly bunch. These guys need plenty of sun and water. Water every day. 

After about a week they start to grow. It's such a great way for the kids to care for something and get a reward fairly quickly and they are funny. Sometimes the hair grows out of the face like a beard. Haircuts are also a good idea when they get too long. 

Happy Growing!!

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