Saturday, April 9, 2016

Fabric Flowers

The days are getting longer. The light is beautiful in the early evening as the spring showers continue to aid in the growing flowers which are blooming away. The theme of seasons is a never ending resource for classes, camps and projects for us. It's a great theme that allows children to understand their environment. Creating projects around the season is a way for the kids to collectively celebrate in there surroundings, in something they all share. 

In celebration of Spring we made giant fabric flowers. I can not take credit for the idea. It came from an wonderfully creative woman , Bonnie Scorer and her husband Galen Scorer, who are the creators of Make-It-You-Own website, which has so many ideas that one can alter with materials one has on hand or to their own interests.  Here is a link to the instructions for these big gorgeous blooms.

Since we have so much fabric at the studio, so many beautiful fabrics that I decided to use fabrics in substitution for paper (which is what she uses with her children. We offered the children many different varieties of already cut gigantic petals  to choose from. I also used a fabric stiffener but I am sure you could use the acrylic medium she uses for the paper or even Mod-Podge.  

I also used chopsticks with wire wrapped around them it to make the stigma.  I love the black paper to make the stamen. That's Bonnie's great idea. It stands out beautifully and graphically against the colorful petals. This project allowed us to talk about the different parts of a flower and their functions.  We all enjoyed both the process and the results. Thank you Bonnie for the idea.

Happy Spring!!!


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  2. They're gorgeous. Did you use the balloons to make the shape too or just the fabric stiffener?

    1. Yes Kate we did use balloons to shape and dry the fabrics after soaking in the fabric softener. You can change the size of the flower by changing the size of the balloon. I would love to see what you come up with. Please post.

  3. Thank you so much for making a comment Michelle. I love to hear what you all think.

  4. These are so fantastic Samara!

  5. After you used fabric stiffener, how long did you have to wait for it do dry before popping the balloon?

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